Tuesday 4 September 2012

behind Closet Doors.

Open IT!
We sure could hide a great deal behind those closet doors. 
We are all guilty of it. Sure it definitely comes in handy when surprised guests show up and the house is a mess...throw it all behind a door. But maybe not the solution on a daily basis. If you are a college student, then you are exempt, but, unfortunately and well, realistically, it doesn't apply to a grownup with a regular job and his/her own place.
Take charge. 
Yes it could be quite daunting, scary, time consuming, painful, but it could also make a world of difference in your life by having an organized closet. One where all is visible, clean and ready for selection. Dressing could be done in a flash, especially when you are late for work or need to make an impression for a last minute rendez-vous!
This is probably the hardest step. Start with the current season. Take it all out and make 3 piles.
To keep.
To try on and maybe keep.
To part, throw out or donate.
Just getting through this is probably the biggest step. Do it with the best intentions. Book some 'closet time' at least 4 hours, or do it on a Saturday, you might need a full day depending on the amount of clothes/stuff you need to get through. Get a good, honest friend who can give you solid positive advice. Some boxes or garbage bags. And get a couple of solid plastic containers for items that aren't the right season or you really have a hard time to part with. But keep in mind that it needs to be stored somewhere, so if it goes back into the same closet, you might be hindering the uncluttered aspect of this project. 
Use the KISS rule: Keep It Simple Stupid. A solid philosophy to adhere to :)

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