Tuesday 30 October 2012

aspire to it...

Found a new inspiring blog through a string of many blogs, about two guys who changed their lives in order to live more minimally and fruitfully through the practice of 'minimalism'.

the blog:  http://www.theminimalists.com/

Check out one of the 2 guys, Joshua Fields Millburn, concept of an organized & focused closet.

Thursday 25 October 2012

make an impression.

Ok, so it might be a little too much for some, but for others it can take your closet into another viewing dimension. It's all about making the closet so attractive that you just want to open it up and view the  insides. Embellishing your closet from within with wallpaper is like the cookies with the chocolate chunks or brownies with the icing, scones with the cream...

You've organized it to a very realistic level, yet adding this feature just makes it delicious! yes... delicious. You know, when you've just finished a home project you are proud of or made a purchase for your home like a great leather couch, a painting or a 54" flatscreen TV, you just want to place yourself in front of it and look at it. Admire it. So fantastic! Well, beautifying your closet can give you that feel good feeling.

Of course it depends on the size of your closet, no point in going through all that work when you add all the clothes and then you can barely see the pattern. Size it up, see if it's realistic. I would keep the pattern simple or at least monochromatic so it doesn't interfere visually with a colourful closet.

And if the inside of the closet is not an option, you could always consider doing the one wall where the closet is. Walk in closets, as usual, have the benefits of being very flexible and well, spacious, to allow for many dimensions and possibilities.
Be daring..

Tuesday 23 October 2012

sparingly arranged.

Though it might be difficult to really bring your wardrobe to a focussed, dynamic, minimalistic and efficient state, it is always an inspiration to view other's accomplishments and rouse our own clothing borders. Some manage it all too well and it is reflected in their day to day appearance and mind state as in the lovely image in the framed photo below. 
Uncomplicated. Serene. Simple.

My best recommendation is to regularly edit and to purchase clothing which will add value and possibilities to your wardrobe. Especially during a change of season, when you move to a new space or get a brand new job. Clothes are only clothes. Keep your favs and give the others to a charity you really like, it makes letting go easier knowing it will be reused and re-loved!

Wednesday 17 October 2012


We all have them.

love them, they are free.
hate them, they are annoying.

If not in the bedroom closet, they are in another space or perhaps in the laundry room. Leftovers from the dry cleaners most probably, or from our parents when we move out, somehow they are there, they multiply, funnily enough, totally opposite of our sock situations.... Can't even manage to throw them out because they are somewhat functional, like a single paperclip, never know when you might need a piece of wire to solve an issue. 

Guilty as charged.
Of course I have some, but they are transitioning out the door. I mostly use them for thin strap clothing by bending up the corners, I have to be honest, does the job, hate the look. But I have recently bought some amazing fuzzy velvet covered thin hangers which really replace wire hangers nicely. Of course replacing all hangers does mean you will have to purchase the new ones and some come at a cost. So ease into it, buy them in sets of 6 or 12 packages, you will see a huge difference in the closet. 
Go Ikea.

Though I would like to emphasize the importance of wooden hangers. Especially for men, also applicable for women. It is imperative for blazers and coats otherwise you will find yourself with oddly shaped shoulders in the garment. The heavier the garment, the more important to get some!!

So Neat...

And don't pile too many layers on a single hanger. Either you will frustrate yourself when you have little time and can't see it or it just gets forgotten, never to be worn. Or God forbid, you find it and it is no longer in style...


Buy It...
I would recommend to have at 3 type of hangers:
1. thins velvet covered hangers: for shirts, camisoles and slippery clothing
2. wood hangers: blazers and coats
3. clip hangers: pants and skirts

Are you the creative type? 
Perhaps there are options for you & your wires...

The gift giver...

hmmm, no need for words, just pass them to your granny...