Sometimes we are seeking it, sometimes it finds us. Inspiration is everywhere today. Just open your eyes and let yourself see.
And simultaneously, I feel that there is also less of an exclusivity factor today as well. I like that aspect. You don't need to have money to have the stuff you want (well, of course there are always personal limitations....) and you have access to vast information. Stuff is more available. Good design is abundant, so much creativity. The net is certainly a big factor, giving us all all kind of possibilities in seeing, doing, sharing and getting. But, I would like to add, I still have a need to buy paper form of inspiration, magazines have that tactile factor which completes a search & I can not resist.
I was browsing earlier and came across this picture. It comes from a blog: .
I love the clean freshness of it. As I looked further I saw that it was 'pinned' on my fav blogger's page, . I could have kept on scrolling for-Ever. So many beautiful images. I loved the bedroom images simultaneously displayed along with the clothing images. One kind of goes/compliments the other. Although my personal home doesn't reflect a minimalist lifestyle (I think it would drive my husband crazy) I do try to edit my space so that it's the least cluttered, and lets face it, I love pattern and colour and so always give into my true nature, though do give into experimentation to renew myself. Which is my comfort zone. I admire the more streamlined looks, but live to reflect my true quirky self. A good formula.
Visual inspiration is ever present.
Visual inspiration is ever present.
And so what is your life-style? What triggers your creativity? How do you define it in your home and within your clothes/dress style? Are you yourself when you look at the mirror? Sometimes we have multiple clothing personalities, especially when it comes to our work clothes vs our weekend attire. Often we must conform (well to a certain degree, ahem...). When everyone wears suits at the office, it's kind of hard to pull off those heavenly Diesel jeans you just feel fabulous in. You adapt but there is always room for your personality to make it's presence in subtle ways. Find it. Own it.
Here are some bedrooms pics on a minimalist concept and clothing shots from Emma's Blogg that I took away on a little high, with me after browsing. I love the way they inspired my brain's activity and have influenced my vision & my mind state when I stand before my closet. As much as they reflect how I dress & my likes, they are still unlike me. I am simply allowing inspiration do it's job.
Lately it has been barking....arfff.
Lately it has been barking....arfff.